Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Special Education IEP (Individualized Education Program)

School has just begun and already concerned parents are asking the question, "What is a Special Education IEP (Individualized Education Program)?"

Parents that haven't been to an IEP have probably heard horror stories or think that there's no way they want their child to have an IEP. But if the child needs it they should have it.

In it's simplest form, an IEP is a roadmap to be followed for helping the child with a learning disability succeed in school. It also allows for accommodations and modifications, such as shortened assignments or extra time to do schoolwork.


If a specialist like a Speech and Language or Occupational Therapist is needed, the student will have access to them on a weekly basis.

It truly is an individualized education program.

Sure, it is a legal document and must follow rules, but it is in the best interest of the child that struggles in school to have an IEP so that they get the necessary help that can't be found from tutoring or "trying harder." Kids with learning disabilities actually have brains that try harder than kids without learning disabilities. It just doesn't look that way to the untrained eye.