Monday, October 4, 2010

Parents Are Part of The IEP Team

Funny that so many parents need to be reminded, but yes, parents are part of the IEP Team.

It's also funny when you see a classroom full of parents at back to school night but that's another story.

As a parent, make sure you show up at he IEP. Always. Make sure it is scheduled when you can be there and if the meeting is scheduled at a time or day that you can't make it, have the school re-schedule it for a time and day that you can attend.

You know your child better than anybody and it's important that your input and concerns are written into the IEP. If you don't understand something, ask. This is especially important for items such as IEP Goals and Objectives, and Accommodations and Modifications, as well as often overlooked items such as Social Skills.

It isn't easy being the parent of a child with a learning disability but the extra effort required is worth it.